¿What is PR PASS Workshop?
The Puerto Rico Public and Applied Social Sciences Workshop is non-profit, philanthropic organization organized exclusively for charitable, educational and scientific purposes, founded in, and serving Puerto Rico.
We believe in the liberating power of learning as a catalyst for social change and engagement.
Our mission is to advance the cause of greater social justice, quality of life and sustainable economic development through the broader appreciation and application of the social sciences.
Our purpose is to contribute to the knowledge-base and capacity building of entities serving the public welfare and develop educational programs that enhance public awareness of cultural studies, social sciences and humanities research and their applied benefits. To these ends, every project is structured so as to incorporate or enable participatory action research and contribute to the dissemination and use of local data-driven insights.
PR PASS Workshop is recognized by the IRS as a not for profit 501c3 charitable organization. It is also recognized as a not for profit, tax exempt, educational organization by the Puerto Rico Department of Treasury pursuant to Section 1101.01(a)(2)(A)(iv) of the Code.